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    Embarking on a blogging journey amid life's shifts, I've found writing to be a powerful tool for organizing thoughts and sharing knowledge. This post delves into the technology behind my blog, highlighting my transition to using Vercel and integrating Tailwind CSS for a more efficient and visually appealing blogging experience.
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    A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to restore one website that had been hacked by a hacker. Since I think it was a valuable experience experience to me, I wrote the below record in case.
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    Creating and using the right slug is important. Search engines often check a website's slug when they index pages, and it directly affects the overall performance of SEO.
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    Javascript is a single-threaded, and all codes are executed in a sequence, not in a parallel fashion. In other words, unlike other languages such as Java, there is only one thread in Javascript, and it can be blocked by an expensive operation.