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New Blog in 2024

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    James Yoo

The past few years have unfolded in unexpected ways for all of us. When COVID-19 hit, my priorities naturally shifted towards work and family, leading to a hiatus from blogging. This break, while unintended, gave me time to reflect on the myriad of experiences I encountered—both personally and professionally. During this period, I immersed myself in a continuous learning journey. From acquiring new skills to revisiting forgotten knowledge, and extracting valuable lessons from my professional life, the wealth of information I gathered was immense. It wasn't until recently that I realized the power of writing as a tool to organize and immortalize these learnings. Writing not only allows me to structure my thoughts but also enhances my ability to recall and apply these insights in the future. Furthermore, it offers a medium to share my journey with others, potentially aiding those who might be on a similar path.

Motivated by these realizations, I made the decision to restart my blog. It wasn't an easy choice; the pressure to excel and the uncertainty of my capabilities in this domain were daunting. Yet, I recognized that my personal blog doesn't have to meet anyone else's standards but my own—it's a space primarily for me. A place where I can systematically arrange my thoughts and ideas, making them a productive resource outside of the blog itself. While my main interests lie in technology and investment, and most of my blog posts will revolve around these topics, I'm also eager to delve into discussions about the blog itself—its journey, evolution, and the process behind it.

This brings me to the essence of today's post: the technology behind my current blog. This discussion might seem simplistic, yet it's foundational to how I envision sharing my thoughts and lessons moving forward.

Gatsby and Netlify have been great tools, and I thoroughly enjoyed creating blog posts with them. However, the only challenging and time-consuming part was looking for an easy way to integrate Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is fantastic—it offers tons of features that can be utilized without any special tweaks. My previous blog was using just React and some basic CSS, so I was eager to elevate my site beyond that.

I've been using Vercel for my personal projects and those I've worked on with friends. After I commit and push updates to the repository, Vercel swiftly picks up these updates, creates a build, and deploys it within a few minutes. More importantly, it doesn't cost me a dime (of course, as long as my blog remains relatively small), and it offers a plethora of samples that I can use with ease.